Giving toward your tithe, offering, or other ministry funds is easier than ever. You can click below to give online. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] or call the church at 615-355-0414
We sincerely appreciate your financial support, however, the board of the trustees reserves the right to redirect all funds to the area of ministry most needed
All financial information is encrypted and stored by our banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards. PCI DSS Level 1 compliance is a set of rules stated by credit card companies and audited by an independent third party. It is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry. Additionally, forces HTTPS for all transaction services using TLS.
Cash & Check – Chances are, a good chunk of your donations still come in via cash and check from passing the plate at church. With church giving, you can easily record all offline giving along side the other forms of giving so you have a complete view in one system!
ACH bank transfer (aka eCheck) – Bank transfer donations are supported by church giving. Donors can set it up and manage their connected accounts themselves, or you can help them get it configured on the admin side of giving.
Credit & Debit Card – Donors can give using they VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or AMEX. Donors can set it up and manage their connected accounts themselves, or you can help them get it configured on the admin side of giving.
If I already have a scheduled giving account, can I update my account to also include another giving amount?
Yes, simply by logging into your account you can update your profile by setting up a new gift and choosing your desired fund.
All financial information is encrypted and stored by our banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards. PCI DSS Level 1 compliance is a set of rules stated by credit card companies and audited by an independent third party. It is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry. Additionally, forces HTTPS for all transaction services using TLS.
Cash & Check – Chances are, a good chunk of your donations still come in via cash and check from passing the plate at church. With church giving, you can easily record all offline giving along side the other forms of giving so you have a complete view in one system!
ACH bank transfer (aka eCheck) – Bank transfer donations are supported by church giving. Donors can set it up and manage their connected accounts themselves, or you can help them get it configured on the admin side of giving.
Credit & Debit Card – Donors can give using they VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or AMEX. Donors can set it up and manage their connected accounts themselves, or you can help them get it configured on the admin side of giving.
If I already have a scheduled giving account, can I update my account to also include another giving amount?
Yes, simply by logging into your account you can update your profile by setting up a new gift and choosing your desired fund.